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Ch10, Ponniyin Selvan, translated with an english prism.

  Kudanthai JothiDar, Chapter 10 Born in the lands of Kudagu (Coorg), the water princess Ponni (Cauvery) desired to reach the abode of her consort, the Sea King (Samudra Rajan). Crossing dense forests and mountains, cavorting with rocks and ravines, she increased her speed. As she headed nearer and nearer to her King, her heart swelled. She bubbled and grew with the ecstasy of the union imagined. Just a short distance more, and the loving embrace of her mind sprung forth into two large arms. She rushed with open wide arms, like a lunging tiger in full sprint. Even so, her arms were hardly equal to her yearning heart's ache. The radiating arms grew into tens, twenties and hundreds. She neared her consort with growing desire. With what did the beautiful maidens and mothers of the Cholas deck this bride, the one with the intense longing to meet her groom, with! How many lush green trees did they drape her with? How many bright hued flowers? What kinds of effervescent perfumes did
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